Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Rules for Effective Communication:

1. Recognize the difference between formal and informal settings and the communication needed for each.

2. Be clear and precise. Pay attention to your grammar and pronunciation.

3. Avoid slang -- it doesn't always translate well. The intended meaning isn't always what's received.

4. Know what you are saying without saying a word. Studies show that over 90 percent of communication is non-verbal. Be aware of what you are saying without speaking.

5. Be culturally aware. Gestures, proximity when speaking, and inflection can all be perceived differently by different cultures.

6. Proofread and revise. Formal, written communication needs to be grammatically correct. Always present your best.

7. Listen. Communication is two-way. Someone is transmitting and someone else is receiving. Make sure you are a good receiver.

Assignment #1

There are three types of communication:

1) Written: through words: in print, on paper or electronically

2) Verbal: through speech: spoken word

3) Non-verbal: through gestures, body language, eye contact, clothing, hairstyles, symbols you wear, tone of voice, voice quality, style of speech

List three forms of communication for every type. For example, a form of written communication could be email. Then explain what barriers or problems could arise with each form of communication. Explain how those barriers or problems could be rectified or solved.

Well I think the email is a good one because when you send someone an email sometimes they might not understand it or misunderstand what you are trying to say. Another one could be a text message because is almost the same as the email because when your talking about something the other person might not understand what you are writing. Also the written paper may be hard to read or understand because of the hand writing. The spoken word may be misunderstood because you are using slang writing or the other person has a hard time understanding you.
The way way you drees could say a lot of things by just looking at how you look. Also the tone of voice has a lot to do because sometimes there are people that scream not talk and you may understand their tone of voice wrong. The hair style i think it does not have a lot to do with this, but in some ways it does because sometimes you like your hair style some different way and people that don't know might think something wrong about you.

Assignment #2

Write about your communication skills. Do you think you have good communication skills? Do you think you communicate effectively and efficiently with everyone you encounter? Do you communicate differently with different groups/kinds of people? If so, why? Do you see ways you could improve your communication skills?

I think that I do have really good communication skills because I always talk properly to people older than me and i am also always respectful with them too.
Well I think I do because I always try to communicate with other people or interact with them even tho I don't know them. I don't think i communicate with people or different kinds of groups or friends differently i think i talk to them as i would talk & respect a person older then me. Um mm no not right now because i think my communication skills are really good. =)

Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal.
Continue to write a one or two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:

* how you use your communication skills on a weekly basis at your placement

* what you've learned about the profession

* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement

* any positive experiences you've had

* any negative experiences you've had

* what you look forward to in the coming weeks

* a picture or visual

This week at the Salon was great because I always do things like helping my supervisor with the duty's she needs to do or has to do, like cleaning after we get done and is time for us to leave. Also i had a really good experience this week because I got a little girls hairs done and also washed it. She loved it and they even gave me a tip just for doing that for the little girl. I think it was an awesome week.

1 comment:

  1. Great point about your style of dress being a non-verbal form of communication. I agree that you are very respectful.

    Good post. Please capitalize your I's, ok. 28/30 points
