Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Task #1 We are going to begin by taking a quick survey. Click here to take a short quiz on cell phone etiquette. At the end of the quiz click on "see results." Well, how did you do? Post a short blog telling about your results.

Well i did real good because, they said i have good manners. It also said am one of the Cell phone users as consider a few of the least that have really good manners and far between in this country of 171.2 million cell phone subscribers. I think that's a really good thing because for my opinion when a cellphone rings at a restaurant is disruptive. And I don't like when people are on the phone screaming like they want everybody to hear their conversation.

Task #2 OK, now let's see what the experts recommend. This activity will be conducted as a class discussion. Here are some rules for cell phone use.

The experts recommend that when you need to choose a ring tone to choose it properly because sometimes you might think that that ring tone is "cool" or how ever you want to call it, but sometimes people that hear it might think that is rude and disrespectful. That's one of the rules they have there and i think it is actually a really important one because of the respect to other people.

Task #3 As always, write in your journal about your experience and/or thoughts at your service learning site last week. This week you may want to comment on your supervisor. Does she or he give instructions clearly? Is your supervisor willing to listen and answer your questions. What other qualities in your supervisor do you want to have if, some day, you are a supervisor?

Well for this week at my service learning workplace my comments about my supervisor would be that she does give me clear instructions when she wants me to do something or help her with something. My supervisor does listen to me and responds to the questions i have sometimes of how to do something or how to do it and if I don't know how she will show me how to do it. And then let me do it by my self after wards. I think does are good qualities to start off with when your a supervisor, to listen and to know how to explain what you want someone to do for you.

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