Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Task One: Here is a list of helpful tips that can keep you arriving on time all the time. Implement some or all of these time-savers into your daily routine.

1. Rise and Shine! Set your alarm clock for 20 minutes earlier than necessary. That way, you can either hit "snooze" in the morning, or have extra time to get ready.

2. Be Prepared! Have your clothes washed, ironed and laid out the night before so you can get dressed faster.

3. Multitask! Prepare your lunch for the next day ahead of time while making your dinner.

4. Know where you are going! Get directions to your service site before your first visit. Plan your route and know how long it takes to get there.

5. Expect the unexpected! Understand that not everything will go smoothly in the mornings. Give yourself enough time to deal with any potential problems that may arise, such as traffic jams, spilling something on your clothes or running out of gas.

6. Call ahead! If you are going to be late, make sure you have the phone number of the place where you are going. Call as soon as you know you will be late and give an honest estimate of how long it will take you to get there. Apologize for the delay and work harder the next time to get there on time.

7. Save your absences! Always reserve your absences for when you really need to take them. If you miss work, school or your service learning because you take a vacation day, your boss, teacher or mentor will be less sympathetic to you needing to also take a sick day. Be sure you need to be absent before you miss a scheduled responsibility.

Task Two: Understanding where your time goes:Keep a time log of how long certain activities take you. Write down each thing you do in the mornings before coming to school or to your service learning site. Determine which of these items could be done faster or at the same time. You may find you waste time in ways you do not even realize.

  1. I get up eat breakfast.

  2. Brush my teeth.

  3. Get dressed.

  4. Get my hair done.

  5. Sometimes watch t.v. for a little bit. =p

I think that getting my hair done & brushing my teeth could be done at the same time. Also when I some times sit down and watch t.v. am wasting time right there and that's time I could be getting on my way to school. Now I see that I do waste time without realizing it. =)

Task Three: Blog post
I. Discuss a variety of ways you can implement time management into your daily life.

II. What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?

III. Give your blog an appropriate title.

I loved this past week at the hair salon because i felt like i actually had a real job. This was because this past Wednesday i died one of the girls hair & she loved it, so am really happy about it. Plus this things that i do i think are a great start of what am doing and it gives me more motivations of going to the cosmetology school.

1 comment:

  1. Missing task 3. I'm glad they let you dye someone's hair and it motivated you to want to go on to cosmetology school.

    17/20 points.
