Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Task 1: Thank You Letter for Internship Supervisora) Click here to open a thank you letter template for your internship supervisor. Fill in the appropriate information and write thoughtful paragraphs that address the information needed for each paragraph. As you go be sure to modify or remove any information from the template that should not be on the final draft. Be sure to use proper spelling and grammar in your letter.

b) Copy and paste your thank you letter onto a Microsoft Word document and save it in your My Documents folder. Place a copy in your advisor's drop box.

c) Edit your thank you letter with your advisor before printing your letter.

d) After editing, print your letter and pick up an envelope from your adviser. Address your envelope.

e) Stuff and seal the envelope. When it's ready to go, give it to your advisor to mail.

Task 2: PLC Spring Cookout InvitationsCreate invitations for the guests you would like to attend the PLC's annual Spring Cookout, and present your guests (people who assisted you this term (service learning supervisor(s), mentors, parents, etc) with the invitations. You may choose to make a paper invitation or create an evite. Be creative and have fun while meeting the criteria below.

Each invitation needs to contain the following elements:

Event Title: PLC Spring Cookout Celebration
Host Name: Classic City PLC
Telephone: (706) 353-2323
Location Name: Classic City PLC
Address: 240 Mitchell Bridge Road • Athens, GA 30606
Date: Tuesday May 5th
Start Time: 3:30 p.m.

Message: Create a personal message that explains that the cookout is a celebration for all people associated with the success of the PLC and its programs this year and that you hope they can attend to help us celebrate.At a minimum you should create at least two paper invitations, or send out at least two evites. One of those two needs to be your service learning supervisor. Show your advisor when you have completed this task so they can write down the names of the people you invited and award your points for completing this activity.

All this is done already. =)


Task #1 We are going to begin by taking a quick survey. Click here to take a short quiz on cell phone etiquette. At the end of the quiz click on "see results." Well, how did you do? Post a short blog telling about your results.

Well i did real good because, they said i have good manners. It also said am one of the Cell phone users as consider a few of the least that have really good manners and far between in this country of 171.2 million cell phone subscribers. I think that's a really good thing because for my opinion when a cellphone rings at a restaurant is disruptive. And I don't like when people are on the phone screaming like they want everybody to hear their conversation.

Task #2 OK, now let's see what the experts recommend. This activity will be conducted as a class discussion. Here are some rules for cell phone use.

The experts recommend that when you need to choose a ring tone to choose it properly because sometimes you might think that that ring tone is "cool" or how ever you want to call it, but sometimes people that hear it might think that is rude and disrespectful. That's one of the rules they have there and i think it is actually a really important one because of the respect to other people.

Task #3 As always, write in your journal about your experience and/or thoughts at your service learning site last week. This week you may want to comment on your supervisor. Does she or he give instructions clearly? Is your supervisor willing to listen and answer your questions. What other qualities in your supervisor do you want to have if, some day, you are a supervisor?

Well for this week at my service learning workplace my comments about my supervisor would be that she does give me clear instructions when she wants me to do something or help her with something. My supervisor does listen to me and responds to the questions i have sometimes of how to do something or how to do it and if I don't know how she will show me how to do it. And then let me do it by my self after wards. I think does are good qualities to start off with when your a supervisor, to listen and to know how to explain what you want someone to do for you.


Rules for Effective Communication:

1. Recognize the difference between formal and informal settings and the communication needed for each.

2. Be clear and precise. Pay attention to your grammar and pronunciation.

3. Avoid slang -- it doesn't always translate well. The intended meaning isn't always what's received.

4. Know what you are saying without saying a word. Studies show that over 90 percent of communication is non-verbal. Be aware of what you are saying without speaking.

5. Be culturally aware. Gestures, proximity when speaking, and inflection can all be perceived differently by different cultures.

6. Proofread and revise. Formal, written communication needs to be grammatically correct. Always present your best.

7. Listen. Communication is two-way. Someone is transmitting and someone else is receiving. Make sure you are a good receiver.

Assignment #1

There are three types of communication:

1) Written: through words: in print, on paper or electronically

2) Verbal: through speech: spoken word

3) Non-verbal: through gestures, body language, eye contact, clothing, hairstyles, symbols you wear, tone of voice, voice quality, style of speech

List three forms of communication for every type. For example, a form of written communication could be email. Then explain what barriers or problems could arise with each form of communication. Explain how those barriers or problems could be rectified or solved.

Well I think the email is a good one because when you send someone an email sometimes they might not understand it or misunderstand what you are trying to say. Another one could be a text message because is almost the same as the email because when your talking about something the other person might not understand what you are writing. Also the written paper may be hard to read or understand because of the hand writing. The spoken word may be misunderstood because you are using slang writing or the other person has a hard time understanding you.
The way way you drees could say a lot of things by just looking at how you look. Also the tone of voice has a lot to do because sometimes there are people that scream not talk and you may understand their tone of voice wrong. The hair style i think it does not have a lot to do with this, but in some ways it does because sometimes you like your hair style some different way and people that don't know might think something wrong about you.

Assignment #2

Write about your communication skills. Do you think you have good communication skills? Do you think you communicate effectively and efficiently with everyone you encounter? Do you communicate differently with different groups/kinds of people? If so, why? Do you see ways you could improve your communication skills?

I think that I do have really good communication skills because I always talk properly to people older than me and i am also always respectful with them too.
Well I think I do because I always try to communicate with other people or interact with them even tho I don't know them. I don't think i communicate with people or different kinds of groups or friends differently i think i talk to them as i would talk & respect a person older then me. Um mm no not right now because i think my communication skills are really good. =)

Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal.
Continue to write a one or two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:

* how you use your communication skills on a weekly basis at your placement

* what you've learned about the profession

* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement

* any positive experiences you've had

* any negative experiences you've had

* what you look forward to in the coming weeks

* a picture or visual

This week at the Salon was great because I always do things like helping my supervisor with the duty's she needs to do or has to do, like cleaning after we get done and is time for us to leave. Also i had a really good experience this week because I got a little girls hairs done and also washed it. She loved it and they even gave me a tip just for doing that for the little girl. I think it was an awesome week.


Task One: What are some of the potential hazards at your service learning placement? This may not be a simple question for some of you who do not work with dangerous machinery or lift heavy objects. This does not mean hazards do not exist. Think hard, and explain the ways that an employee may become injured on the job. Think long and short term. Your response should be a full paragraph.

I think that the most hazardous things at the service learning would be the scissors. My opinion is that this would be because some times when they are cutting hair the scissors may fall and cut you at the same time. Also you can cut at the same time the person who your cutting their hair. This is why i think the scissors are a dangerous object at the hair salon, but you can do nothing about them because you have to have them anyways.

Task Two: Review OHSA's Safety and Health Topics for a safety issue you might experience at your service learning placement. Once you have searched for a topic, you should have found a few articles relating to your search. Read one. Explain what you learned with 2-3 paragraphs. You might explain how what you learn pertains to you and the other people who share your workplace. If you cannot think of a topic, ask your friendly instructor for help.

i found some articles about hand tools on how they can be used, cleaned up, and be put away. This means that before using a tool you have to clean it, make sure is washed really well. Also you have make sure that when you use a hazardous tool you put it up the correct way and washed it again after you have already been using it. This does really help when you do it because at the workplace they do all this and they can not do anything else if they don't clean the tool they had already used before...

Task Three: I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal

* what you've learned about the profession

* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement

* any positive experiences you've had

* any negative experiences you've had

* what you look forward to in the coming weeks

* a picture or visual II. Give your post an appropriate title.III. Be sure to proofread your work before publishing your post.IV. Notify your adviser when you have published your service learning weekly journal blog post.

Right now my working experiences at Master Cuts have been great because i have learned about how people should get along and work together as a team in the salon and also work together. You would also need to treat customers well so they can come back to the salon and also give them discounts on the first time. =)

Some of the positive experience i had i think its been all of them since i started going to the workplace. I actually didn't have any negative experiences they were all positive. I really enjoy being there and for the following weeks coming up i think they would be even better, so am excited.


Task One: Here is a list of helpful tips that can keep you arriving on time all the time. Implement some or all of these time-savers into your daily routine.

1. Rise and Shine! Set your alarm clock for 20 minutes earlier than necessary. That way, you can either hit "snooze" in the morning, or have extra time to get ready.

2. Be Prepared! Have your clothes washed, ironed and laid out the night before so you can get dressed faster.

3. Multitask! Prepare your lunch for the next day ahead of time while making your dinner.

4. Know where you are going! Get directions to your service site before your first visit. Plan your route and know how long it takes to get there.

5. Expect the unexpected! Understand that not everything will go smoothly in the mornings. Give yourself enough time to deal with any potential problems that may arise, such as traffic jams, spilling something on your clothes or running out of gas.

6. Call ahead! If you are going to be late, make sure you have the phone number of the place where you are going. Call as soon as you know you will be late and give an honest estimate of how long it will take you to get there. Apologize for the delay and work harder the next time to get there on time.

7. Save your absences! Always reserve your absences for when you really need to take them. If you miss work, school or your service learning because you take a vacation day, your boss, teacher or mentor will be less sympathetic to you needing to also take a sick day. Be sure you need to be absent before you miss a scheduled responsibility.

Task Two: Understanding where your time goes:Keep a time log of how long certain activities take you. Write down each thing you do in the mornings before coming to school or to your service learning site. Determine which of these items could be done faster or at the same time. You may find you waste time in ways you do not even realize.

  1. I get up eat breakfast.

  2. Brush my teeth.

  3. Get dressed.

  4. Get my hair done.

  5. Sometimes watch t.v. for a little bit. =p

I think that getting my hair done & brushing my teeth could be done at the same time. Also when I some times sit down and watch t.v. am wasting time right there and that's time I could be getting on my way to school. Now I see that I do waste time without realizing it. =)

Task Three: Blog post
I. Discuss a variety of ways you can implement time management into your daily life.

II. What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?

III. Give your blog an appropriate title.

I loved this past week at the hair salon because i felt like i actually had a real job. This was because this past Wednesday i died one of the girls hair & she loved it, so am really happy about it. Plus this things that i do i think are a great start of what am doing and it gives me more motivations of going to the cosmetology school.


Task #1 First, let's take a little inventory of your present study skills. Examine the list of study skills below. Next, choose one or two skills you would like to improve. In a short paragraph, tell which skills you chose and why. Post your response on your blog.

I have two skills on which i think i need to work on. The two skills are getting to class on time and getting started because i usually take a few more minutes before i go to class & when i get to class i don't start working right away because when i get in the class i get on the internet and get easly distracted by some other websites, so i don't start working right away. =)
Thats why i think i need to work more on those two skills.

1. Get to class on time -- it takes more of your time to catch up than to keep up. Vital instructions needed for the swift completion of your tasks are often given during the first minutes of class each day. Missing them means extra effort and wasted time.

2. BE PREPARED -- have pen/pencils, paper, pacing guides and assignments handy. Can't get things done if you can't get started or delay starting because you don't know what to do. Worse yet, ever complete a lesson in NovaNet you didn't have to do? Having the pacing guide handy can save you a lot of time and effort. Work smart; be prepared!

3. Take good Notes -- taking good notes doesn't necessarity mean taking more notes. On the contrary, writing less is usually more effective. Write down only key words. Use abbreviations for long words. Make up a shorthand or code for words (if you send text messages, you already have plenty of practice). You know, "formulas are your friends." Think about it. They are the ultimate shorthand. And, " a diagram is worth a thousands words." Put a date on each page of notes to make organizing them as simple a 1-2-3. As a result, you will be able retrieve facts quicker, cut down on study time, and learn more in less time.

4. Get Started -- it's easy to put things off "until tomorrow," but it's silly to wait three days to do an assignment that could only take you only 30 miniutes to complete. That's working harder not smarter. It's called procrastination. There are a lot of reasons why we procrastinate. Work on this skill. Get into the habit of starting tasks without thinking (and worrying) about them first. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

5. Finish - finish whatever you start whenever possible. It is much easier to take a few extra minutes to finish a task than it is to quit and restart. Just rebooting your computer and opening NovaNet can take longer than it would to simply finish a NovaNet lesson or test when you had the chance.

Task #2 Click
here to open a website dedicated entirely to improving study skills. Here is a chance to work on improving two skills that most people ususally need to work on -- how to take notes and combating procrastination. You will complete this task in two parts.

Part a. From the main menu, click on the lesson Taking Notes in Class. Read the lesson, take notes, and then list 5 things you can do to take better notes. Post your list.

  • Review notes from the previous class session.
  • Complete all assigned readings before getting to class.
  • Stay focused on what the teacher is saying.
  • Write quickly to include all important information in notes.
  • Check with other students to make sure important information was not left out.

Part b. Now, go back to the menu and click on the lesson labeled Procrastination. Again, read the lesson, take notes, and then list at least 5 things you yourself are willing to do to control excessive procrastion. Post your list.
  • Commit yourself to completing a task once started.
  • Work on a task you find easier after you complete a difficult task.
  • Reward yourself whenever you complete a task.
  • Eliminate distractions that interfere with working on tasks.
  • Make a schedule of the tasks you have to do and stick to it.

Task #3 Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal. Continue to write a one or two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal.

My working experiences at Master Cuts are great because, they make it seem like its a real job and they also teach what is need to be done. Like this past week i learned how to do the lip & eyebrow waxing. I am really excited with this learning expirience because there is alot of things i think am going to learn about how to run a hair salon while am in there. =)