Monday, March 15, 2010


#1 -- Attend Class Faithfully -- You cannot learn if you are not present!

#2 -- Develop Good Study Habits -- Listen, take notes, read, and review what you have learned.

#3 -- Motivate Themselves -- Good students want to do well no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing.

#4 -- Set High Expectations -- Set goals and work toward achieving them. Know where you want to go, aim high, and you will get there.

#5 -- Learn from Their Mistakes -- "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstein

#6 -- Built Healthy Relationships -- Surround yourself with others who are like-minded.

#7 -- Realize the Importance of Communication -- Learn to write well, speak well, and be aware of the message you send when you are not speaking.

Task One: In which of these areas do you need to make the most improvement to become a more successful student? Even if you feel as though you are already successful, you could still make strides in one of these areas? Which is it?

I think the area that i need to make the most improvement to become a better student is setting high expectactions because i set goals and work toward achieving them, but sometimes i just feel like giving up because i think that i wont be able to do what i want & work toward getting it.

Task Two: What did we miss? Can you think of anything you might add to this list? Come up with one or two more habits you believe positive students have. Explain why you think your additions to this list would be important for every student at Classic City High School.

What i would add to this list is asking for help when you need it and if you want to graduate always be asking about the things you would need to gradute classes, credits ect... I think they would be really important because the way you would be able to tell in which classes you need to work the most and improve on them so you could graduate as soon as you can. The other you could ask for help so that you don't have to be waiting for anything and waisting time if you don't know something.

This first day at the salon was a great day because they thought me a couple of things that need to be done at the salon, like before closing you always need to clean up before you go, and before you open the salon you got to make sure you have $365.00 before you can open. those are just some of the basic things that Katie told me about how a hair salon works.